Final Photo

ISO 400 SS 1/2000 F/5.6

ISO 1600 SS 1/4000 F/10

ISO 1600 SS 1/4000 F/9.0

My photo series centers around my interest in surrealism photography. My photos were closely related to levitation. Through levitation, a model can use their body to display their feelings or emotions. I wanted to attempt fun, yet real-looking images. I chose levitation not only for the extraordinary outcome but because I wanted to test myself with something I had never done before. When I took my first levitation photo, I struggled, yet others saw potential. I was determined to keep practicing how I would take the photo and how the backgrounds would be able to depict the models’ feelings. I see the photos in this series as fun and relaxed. My goal at the end of this series was to see my improvement of my photographing skills, along with my photoshop skills.