Humans of Notre Dame (Prompt 8)

Shutter Speed 1/2000, ISO 1600, F.5.6
I tried my to use natural light (such as the sun) rather than classroom lights. I controlled the light so

that it could be correctly exposed.
“What is an event in your life that made you feel upset or scared?” Her response contributes to the photo

because she talks about looking forward. When she’s looking into the sky, it seems as if she’s looking

ahead in her future.
I love the detail in the photo. Skin texture, her eyes, the hair.
If I could do it differently, I would try to include more emotion. Having her stand there does show her

looking ahead, yet the story isn’t as strong.

I believe that the lighting I used in this image is well. It captures the detail on the model's
face. The lighting also brings out the catchlights in her eyes.

I could've fixed my aperture so that both eyes are both in focus.